Montmorency Cherries

Montmorency Cherries
Montmorency is the most popular sour variety in the country. It blooms late, with clusters of white flowers, and this lovely cultivar dates back to the 17th century from France. This semi-dwarf variety is adaptable and grows in loamy, well-drained, and sandy soils. The large, bright-red, yellow-fleshed fruit has a rich, tangy flavor. Use Montmorency cherries in baked goods and preserves.
Sun exposure:
- full sun
Soil pH:
- 6.0 to 6.5
Hardiness Zones:
- 4 to 7
- 20 to 25 feet
- 1 inch per week
- grows to a height and spread of 10 to 15 feet
- ready for harvest in late June
- does not require a pollinator, but one is recommended for a larger harvest
Have you grown Montmorency cherries? Is the tree easy to tend and harvest? Please tell us about your experiences growing Montmorency cherries.