Raspberries on branch

Raspberries on branch
Bright red and prolific, Boyne raspberries were developed in Canada to withstand cold temperatures. Enjoy these sweet berries in muffins, smoothies, pies, and preserves, or on top of oatmeal. Boyne raspberry plants provide a heavy yield—fortunately they freeze beautifully and retain their flavor. Plants grow to 3 to 4 feet with a 2- to 3-foot spread.
- Heart-shaped, bright-red fruit
- Sweet flavor, summer-bearing
- Hardy and disease resistant
- Small white flowers
- Perfect for northern gardens
- Great for baking, snacking, and adding to breakfast foods
Have you tried growing Boyne raspberries? How do you use them? Please tell us your experiences growing Boyne raspberries.
I am in my 4th year of planting the Boyle Raspberry in 2020 here in 7890 vertical feet in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. This was the first year I had berries and it was a good crop.
My question is about pruning. Should I cut them back to near ground level. I get mix messages on how to prune the plant. Some say thin the weak stalks to the ground, then prune the strong stalks by 1/3.
Others have said cut the stalks to the ground. This was our first year we had the delicious berries so I do not want make a mistake pruning. Thanks, I will wait for your advice!