Hey there fellow food garden enthusiasts! Today, I’m going to take you on a journey through my rollercoaster of experiences with growing common basil this year. As they say, when life gives you basil, make Pasta sauce! Well, at least that’s how the saying goes in my world now.
You see, I’m a planner. So, in the heart of winter, I did something a little crazy – I ordered a bunch of tomato and basil plants from Burpee, fully aware that I wouldn’t get my green babies until May. Why? Because Burpee knows me too well. They want to ensure I don’t jump the gun and put these delicate plants out into the unpredictable early spring weather. So, I waited patiently, checking my mail like a kid waiting for Santa Claus.
May finally arrived, and my raised beds were primed and ready. I had meticulously prepared a custom mix of potting soil and organic compost, so I was feeling pretty confident. With bated breath, I unpacked my 12 tomato plants and three basil plants. To give the plants a chance to adjust to their new environment, I took them outside for a few hours each day, making sure to bring them in each night. After a week, I planted them in the raised beds. The tomatoes thrived, but alas, my basil journey took an unfortunate turn.
Over the course of three weeks, I watched my three basil plants slowly wither away. It was a heart-wrenching experience. Coincidentally, my friend Jack had warned me about the perils of buying plants from large retailers like Home Depot. He claimed that these plants often come from faraway places and aren’t well-suited to our local climate. It occurred to me that I had no idea where these plants had actually been born.
So, there I was, my basil plants gone, and Gail, my partner in gardening adventures, had an insatiable craving for some perennial plants. Our destination? Home Depot on a sunny Saturday morning in late June. Little did I know that our trip would bring a much-needed twist to my basil saga.
As we wandered into the nursery section, we were greeted by a sea of seedlings. And there it was – a table brimming with common basil plants. More than 100 of them, all vibrant and healthy. My heart did a little happy dance. These beauties were about half of the cost of my online premium basil plants, but I approached with caution. Still, I couldn’t resist. I picked up three of them, brought them home, and planted them in the very spots where their unfortunate predecessors had met their end.
Fast forward to late September, and I can’t contain my excitement. These Home Depot basil plants have been nothing short of miraculous. Never have I seen three healthier basil specimens. Gail has been a basil-cutting maestro, adding that aromatic goodness to everything from salads to pizzas for months on end. Our tomato and basil harvests have been nothing short of epic, leading to countless batches of pasta and pizza sauce now safely stored away in our freezer.
So, what’s the moral of this basil tale? Sometimes, the unexpected – like a Home Depot detour – can lead to the most incredible outcomes. While my original basil babies might not have made it, the Home Depot heroes have more than made up for it. So, if you’re feeling disheartened by gardening setbacks, remember that nature often has a way of surprising us when we least expect it. In life and in gardening, persistence often pays off.
Happy gardening, and happy eating!