Norann Oleson, Editorial Director of Food Gardening Network

Norann Oleson, Editorial Director of Food Gardening Network
Ah, the tiny, tasty, sometimes tart little gem of the citrus family—the kumquat! Funny to say; delicious to eat!
Kumquats may be small; but what they lack in size they more than make up for in flavor and health benefits. Packed to the gills with vitamin C, they’re a great addition to a healthy diet.
Kumquat trees can provide you with fresh fruit for months at a time. You may not need to walk further than your balcony or backyard for a burst of fresh flavor, right off the tree!
In this collection’s Introduction, you’ll first learn some history and basics about kumquats—to get you ready for growing your own. Then, in the Feature Articles, you’ll get specifics about kumquat gardening—from types of plants and soil preparation to watering, weeding, and controlling and preventing disease.
If this isn’t your first time growing kumquat trees, some of this may be refresher content for you. But, stick with it, because you’re certain to learn something new, especially when it comes to the history of kumquats and the recipes!
In Plant Profiles, you’ll learn about seven popular varieties of kumquats, so you’ll have specific details about the characteristics and best uses for particular varieties of kumquats.
The kumquat universe is fairly small, with only four species, a few varieties, and a handful of hybrids. We’ve chosen seven kumquat trees to profile because they are among the most commonly grown. If you’d like us to include another kumquat variety that appeals to you, please let me know by commenting below.
We are, after all, a network of food gardeners—for and by fellow food gardeners—who want to enjoy all the benefits of growing our own delicious food at home!
One of the things that makes Food Gardening Network unique is the assortment of super easy and delicious Recipes, so that you can enjoy the fruits of your gardening labor. Kumquats are no exception!
These kumquat recipes include uses for dinners, desserts, and beverages. You’ll delight everyone at your table when you prepare kumquats any of these ways, and these dishes will become staples in your household. Enjoy your kumquat harvest with these tasty recipes, and your family and friends will appreciate all your kumquat gardening efforts!
Next, you’ll learn Nutrition Facts about Kumquats to find out exactly which nutrients are found in kumquats—and to what degree—and the most common compounds. Home Remedies & Health Benefits of Kumquats will help you learn about how key nutrients in kumquats can help prevent some diseases, such as heart disease and some forms of cancer. You’ll also learn all about other benefits and uses for kumquats, including a special recipe for a natural tonic to relieve a cough and sore throat.
To help you explore the sweet world of kumquats even further, we’ve included a Resources section that is complementary to this collection. We aim to give you everything you need to grow, harvest, and eat delicious kumquats, but feel free to take a deeper dive into these additional resources by visiting the links provided.
Finally, you’ll find a brief Glossary at the end of this collection in case you need a fuller explanation of any key terms and concepts.
Now, let’s learn how to grow the best kumquats ever!