I don't know any gardener who hasn't made at least a few good garden mistakes. Sometimes we get lucky and those mistakes turn into fun stories or good lessons. In …
You’re invited to submit your caption for this week’s funny illustration by commenting below. We will choose a winner quarterly, and winners get a FREE one-year subscription to the magazine.
When …
I don't have many neighbors close by, so most of my landscaping inspiration falls more into the vegetable and flower gardening variety. But a friend who lives in the suburbs …
For most gardeners, the sight of a tomato hornworm is a call to action. These enormous green caterpillars can decimate your tomato plants in mere seconds. (Okay, maybe not seconds, …
It almost seems redundant to talk about colorful garden art. Gardens are some of the most colorful places around many homes. And in botanical gardens far and wide, there's seemingly …
You’re invited to submit your caption for this week’s funny illustration by commenting below. We will choose a winner quarterly, and winners get a FREE one-year subscription to the magazine.
When …
I always try to keep my ears open for some good gardening words of wisdom. Some are simple and straightforward, like the idea of labeling your seeds and seedlings. It …
Some gardeners get lucky. They must. These are the gardeners who rarely have problems with weeds. They pull a few stray weeds here and there, but otherwise, they let mulch …
A hose is a hose. Right? When I started gardening, there was no beginner's guide to gardening that had much to say about hoses. My "lesson" involved going to the …
You’re invited to submit your caption for this week’s funny illustration by commenting below. We will choose a winner quarterly, and winners get a FREE one-year subscription to the magazine.
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