I'm sure some people believe it's ridiculous to think about ways to preserve jalapeños and other hot peppers. Why wouldn't you just eat them fresh? Add jalapeños to your pizza. …
I remember the first time someone ever asked me for gardening help. "Who, me?" I thought. I still considered myself a black thumb at that point, so I was excited …
Gardening is a truly fascinating hobby. It’s biology, nature, outside time, and a little bit of zen all mixed together. And the results end up on your dinner table. Not …
Do you ever feel like where you start on a garden project, and where you end, are never in the same place? And probably not even the same project? And …
I love gardening. I also sometimes hate gardening. Well, hate might be a strong word. But we all have those immensely frustrating moments when it seems like everything goes wrong. …
Hooray! You Pumpkin-Spice-latte'd your way through your own apple trees and/or every apple orchard in town and found yourself barricaded in your kitchen with no less than 20 pounds of …
Subterranean greenhouse, underground greenhouse, deep winter greenhouse, or Walipini. If you want to grow vegetables throughout the year, this might be your go-to.
"Walipini" means, "place of warmth" and comes from …
As a lover of garlic scapes—the more-delicious alternative to asparagus—I could hardly believe it when I read today's piece, Scaping Lessons, and learned there are people on this planet that …
I remember watching a film strip (yes, I’m old) in grade school that showed me how people wasted up to four gallons of water if they left the faucet on …