Tomatoes are a staple in home gardens, and when paired with the right companion plants, they can thrive like never before. Companion planting is an age-old technique that enhances growth, …
If you planted basil this year, it probably seemed like it took a month to establish, then all of a sudden you’re in pesto heaven. But how much pesto can …
Believe it or not, nurturing flowers can do wonders for your physical and mental health. Discover the benefits of plants, how caring for them boosts mood, and ways to make …
When it comes to buying or picking apples, I always end up with way more than I actually need. The giant basket of apples taunts me from my countertop, knowing …
I'm curious to know what a typical day of gardening tasks looks like for you out in the garden. I've admitted this several times before, but I'm not one of …
Squash gets overlooked for its versatility and overall yum-factor when it comes to garden vegetables (okay, technically a fruit). Always a bridesmaid, squash is often relegated to “side dish material,” …
Today's story begins how most of my weekend mornings do, hanging by the seed rack at my local gardener's co-op. Well, at least April through June-ish. In An Unexpected Compliment, …
The best bit of advice I have learned about garden planning is to group your vegetables and herbs together that have similar watering and light requirements. Generally, when we envision …
Today's story, "Too Much Moss" gave me a chuckle because it's so relevant to me right now. I have been trying to grow moss in my flower garden for years …
Let’s talk about fertilizer. When I bought my first home and decided I wanted to start my first garden (mostly in containers), I bought a lot of Miracle Grow potting …