I love how something so simple as a little seed, with some soil, sunshine, and water, can grow into a bountiful tomato plant or ears of corn or a dozen …
When I was a bit younger, it wasn't unusual to spend summers running through the sprinkler, letting the hose run over the slip 'n' slide, or just turning on the …
As much as I love to read, sometimes a printable companion planting chart is a better option. Scientifically speaking, you only need to see something for 13 milliseconds for your …
Although I don’t always feel like it before I’ve had some caffeine in the morning, physiologically speaking, I am human. No surprise there. And I spend most of my awake …
We all know that some of the joy of gardening is just being outdoors or getting some dirt under our nails. But let’s not kid ourselves, either. We also know …
Ever go to the beach? The sun feels blissful. It’s bright and hot enough that it coerces you into the cold ocean waters. Then, after an hour or so, it …
There is a lot of information out there about how to compost in an apartment. One thing that seems to be missing in much of that information is whether or …