Articles by Norann Oleson

The Right Sunlight for Your Peas

The Right Sunlight for Your Peas

Pea plants can tolerate shade, but they will grow faster and more abundantly if they get at least six hours of full daily sun exposure. What’s more, full sunlight decreases  
Types of Pea Plants

Types of Pea Plants

Peas come in three main types: English, snow peas, and sugar snap. English peas, also known as shelling or garden peas (Pisum sativum ssp. sativum), produce inedible pods from which  
Introduction to Peas

Introduction to Peas

Have you ever eaten peas right off the vine? They’re crunchy and sweet—almost like candy. Steam or sauté peas or peapods lightly and they turn bright green, become more tender,  

Grape Glossary

Use this Glossary to get quick definitions or explanations of terms and concepts used in this collection, or terms that you might encounter while managing your own vineyard. Grape-specific terms: Arbor: An  

Resources about Grapes

Check out these additional resources to discover even more about grapes. If you want us to include other relevant resources that you find helpful and want to share with others,