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Food Gardening Network

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The Zesty Ginger Guide: All You Need to Know About Growing, Harvesting, Cooking, and Eating Delicious Ginger

Please check out the brief video above, to learn what this premium gardening guide is all about—the video will give you a glimpse into all the content in this gardening guide, including history and background, planting tips, specific plant profiles, recipes, nutrition and health information, and resources to help you be the best food gardener you can be.

Welcome to the fragrant, wonderful world of growing your own ginger! Ginger is a spice because we use and enjoy its roots. And it’s an herb, too, because the foliage can also be used in cooking or as a garnish. When you cook…  READ MORE right arrow
Norann Oleson, Editorial Director of Food Gardening Network
Ah, the fresh taste of gingerbread cookies, and the enticing aroma as they come out of the oven. The soothing sensation of steaming ginger tea. That extra zing in a stir-fry dinner. That palate-cleansing bite between sushi dishes. All credit for such full flavor goes to ginger—official name, Zingiber…  READ MORE right arrow
Fresh ginger


Commercially-grown ginger plants.
Ginger is a perennial, deciduous flowering plant that reproduces by producing rhizomes—underground stems—that can, in turn, produce roots and shoots and their own rhizomes. There are two broad categories of ginger: culinary, for cooking and eating; and ornamental, for the pure enjoyment of seeing the plants and enjoying their fragrance.  READ MORE right arrow

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