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Food Gardening Network

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Pumpkinpalooza: How to Start Your Own Pumpkin Patch

Please check out the brief video above, to learn what this premium gardening guide is all about—the video will give you a glimpse into all the content in this gardening guide, including history and background, planting tips, specific plant profiles, recipes, nutrition and health information, and resources to help you be the best food gardener you can be.

Welcome to the planning stage of your very own pumpkin patch! Pumpkins are amazing. You can transform the sweet orange flesh into pie, cookies, bread, soup, muffins, beer, wine, and more. And don’t forget about the seeds: a little bit of olive…  READ MORE right arrow
Bill Dugan
What we commonly call a pumpkin is actually one of many species in the gourd family. Some are lovely to look at, not so great to eat—think jack-o’-lantern or a cornucopia basket full of ornamental, inedible gourds. Others make excellent pie, soup, bread, and more. And still others…  READ MORE right arrow
Field of Pumpkins


USDA Hardiness Map
Pumpkins are warm-season plants that thrive in specific growing zones. The recommended growing zones for pumpkins in the U.S. are typically zones 3 to 9.  READ MORE right arrow
A ripe orange pumpkin
There are nine main species within the Cucurbita, or gourd, genus; they’re all part of the Cucurbitaceae family—cucumber. Cousins of your favorite baking pumpkins are squashes and gourds.  READ MORE right arrow
Bumpy Pumpkins
Pumpkins come in so many colors, sizes, and textures that it helps to have the lingo down before you decide on the pumpkins you want to grow. You’ll also sound like a pro when you give your friends a tour of your pumpkin patch.  READ MORE right arrow

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