vegetable garden

The Making of Mrs. Know It All

The Making of Mrs. Know It All

I am what you call a city girl growing up just 10 minutes from Downtown Pittsburgh in a borough called Swissvale. My Grandma Kaschauer had lived there since 1906 and  
5 Vegetables to Plant in October

5 Vegetables to Plant in October

A few years ago, I was in line at the farmer’s market talking to a farmer about how great he must be feeling because it’s the “end of the season.”  
Breaking Dormancy

Breaking Dormancy

My dad grew a vegetable garden in our backyard—a tiny one in a rocky, almost hidden corner behind the garage. He spent a lot of hours alone down there, digging,  
Gardening for Mom

Gardening for Mom

My mother is a Master Gardener: she received her certification from Michigan’s Wayne State University when I was a young girl. I remember the garden being her retreat from a  
Gardening Humor for “Real” Gardeners

Gardening Humor for “Real” Gardeners

Do you remember when you were a young budding gardener, and you thought, "one day I'll be like those other gardeners, with their perfectly pruned tomatoes, their pollinator gardens, and