When I first began gardening, I had no idea there were different seed sowing methods. Of course, I knew a little about planting in rows, but even then, I just …
In the Winter, I start to get the itch to start planning a garden extra early. Sometimes it’s only a few days past the holidays and I’m already waiting at …
Master Gardeners do a lot of community service, including answering questions from home gardeners, often on community garden hotlines. Erv Evans, from the North Carolina state Master Gardener program, has …
They hide in your garden in the cold of winter, emerging in spring to feed on the stems of your young, vulnerable seedlings. They are cutworms. And if you don't …
While reading today’s story, I am reminded of my own children when they were young, and how they were always watching and listening, even if they weren’t particularly interested in …
When is the best time to fertilize plants in your vegetable garden? In truth, that's a bit of a trick question. There are several factors that go into the fertilizer …
In the spring, I love hearing the birds that have just reappeared from their winter break and watching the buds grow on the trees, but I also take note when …
I'll be the first to admit that when I'm thinking about how to design a vegetable garden, my first thoughts are about the vegetables I want to grow. If time …
In everyone's most recent memories, Michelle Obama planted the White House vegetable garden on the South Lawn in 2009 with big applause, which was then reinforced to be made permanent …