the vegetable garden

Finding Family In a Garden

Finding Family In a Garden

It's Spring as I write this and we've already harvested some early greens and a few root vegetables like radishes. Daffodils, tulips, and hellebore brought some much-needed color to the  
An Autumn Gardener’s Motto

An Autumn Gardener’s Motto

Goodness, the vegetable garden is finally—well almost, if truth be told—put to bed for another year. It is the exact same thing I’ve been doing for years: piling on top  
My Little Chickadee

My Little Chickadee

Birds have always fascinated me. I keep a bird feeder or two (or three) and enjoy seeing who shows up for a meal. The showy cardinals, goldfinches, and blue jays  
Is Gardening With Kids Still Worthwhile?

Is Gardening With Kids Still Worthwhile?

While reading today’s story, I am reminded of my own children when they were young, and how they were always watching and listening, even if they weren’t particularly interested in  
Plant Parenthood

Plant Parenthood

New Year’s Resolution: With no kids left at home to parent, George and I will focus our inexhaustible supply of energy on our garden. Maybe a few extra plants will  
Living With the Wind

Living With the Wind

Here where we live, on the Vermont side of northern Lake Champlain, we get a lot of wind. In the Summer, it whips the lake into whitecaps, rips the laundry  
Garden Wisdom for Every Day

Garden Wisdom for Every Day

Yesterday morning, I walked out to the vegetable garden and dug up the leeks. The crusty snow had insulated the ground before temperatures plummeted.  
Kids and Gardening

Kids and Gardening

My first gardening experience was a memorable moment in my life. It took place when I was five years old. With reckless abandon, I took a hoe and made a  
Nana’s Garden

Nana’s Garden

I had definitely decided to give up fruit and vegetable gardening. Just flowers from now on. Oh, I’ll keep the pumpkin and gourd patch that spreads over the side yard—if