the compost

Get your gourd on!

Get your gourd on!

It is officially fall! Oh, how I love this time of year. I love the crisp air, brisk mornings, and crunch of frost beneath my feet. The afternoons bring sunshine,  
My Homemade Deer Repellent (with audio)

My Homemade Deer Repellent (with audio)

The family recently discovered kombucha, the “immortal health elixir” of the ancient Chinese (and a pleasing financial elixir for commercial producers today). Kombucha is a fermented tea, rife with probiotic  
The Green Wars (with audio)

The Green Wars (with audio)

Raising five kids, my father never had much green stuff in his wallet, but he had a green thumb on his hand and “went green” in the 50’s—long before it  
A Habanada Pepper Gone Wrong

A Habanada Pepper Gone Wrong

Some of my favorite stories from GreenPrints are between two partners in the garden, and some grand argument. Why is that? I'm not sure, but it always starts with one  
When Can I Plant Snow Peas?

When Can I Plant Snow Peas?

Those first vegetables of early Spring are like an oasis in the desert. Sunshine on a cloudy day. A smile when you're feeling down. I think that's why so many  
Fruit Hoarder

Fruit Hoarder

I am out for a walk in early June in Seattle when Anna, our neighbor on the corner, alerts me about her pears: “There’re going to be a lot of