the compost

A Diary of Gardening Tasks

A Diary of Gardening Tasks

I'm curious to know what a typical day of gardening tasks looks like for you out in the garden. I've admitted this several times before, but I'm not one of  
Unconnected Thoughts on Gardening

Unconnected Thoughts on Gardening

A few weeks ago, in a burst of ambition and historical culture, Randy and I took the kids on a week-long vacation to Washing­ton, D.C. We had a high old  
The Joy of a Minimalist Garden

The Joy of a Minimalist Garden

Is a minimalist garden in your cards? It should be! Minimalism is one of those things we all strive for, but so few of us achieve. My minimalism goes in  
The Do’s and Don’ts of Open Air Composting

The Do’s and Don’ts of Open Air Composting

Figuratively. There are things you'll want to know before you "figuratively" jump into open-air composting because I'm guessing you don't want to actually do that.  If you've read more than a  
Spring Prep and Small Steps

Spring Prep and Small Steps

The first warm days of March are approaching, and soon I'll be in the garden, tea in hand, surveying the Winter's aftermath. This year, I'm especially excited because my seven-year-old