salad greens

Gardening Humor for “Real” Gardeners

Gardening Humor for “Real” Gardeners

Do you remember when you were a young budding gardener, and you thought, "one day I'll be like those other gardeners, with their perfectly pruned tomatoes, their pollinator gardens, and  
When Can I Plant Snow Peas?

When Can I Plant Snow Peas?

Those first vegetables of early Spring are like an oasis in the desert. Sunshine on a cloudy day. A smile when you're feeling down. I think that's why so many  
Growing Kale Plants in Containers

Growing Kale Plants in Containers

Kale is a great candidate for container gardening. It’s a prolific plant, but you should choose a cultivar that’s the right size for your space and have the kale close  
Let Us Grow Lettuce

Let Us Grow Lettuce

A quarter of a century ago, a wise-looking, older fellow leaned over my back fence as I considered what to plant in my newly made raised beds. Without introducing himself,  
Snowed Peas

Snowed Peas

Boy—I’m showing my age with the classic duo in that headline, eh? Hey, kids—go ask your parents (please God, don’t make them have to go ask their grandparents, oh please,  
Like White Roses in a Wet Spring

Like White Roses in a Wet Spring

That’s ‘Spring’ the season, not ‘spring’ as in a body of water (which would HAVE to be wet or it wouldn’t BE a spring, come to think of it…) whose  
Tomato Heartburn

Tomato Heartburn

It’s hard to imagine the words ‘casual’ and ‘leukemia’ together, but the pastor of my local church was extremely casual early this Spring when he casually told me in a