potting soil

Choosing a Site for your Blackberries

Choosing a Site for your Blackberries

If you’re not growing blackberries in containers, you have to choose a spot for your raised bed or open land blackberry garden. It’s recommended that you choose your site a  
Gardening on Wheels

Gardening on Wheels

The first time I got interested in growing something I was 7 or 8. I saw my mom break a leaf off her philodendron and put it in water  
Wild Things!

Wild Things!

In the shade of mingling paulownias, eight children sprawled like a litter of puppies atop a blue tarp, fair heads and dark dappled by sunlight. Seasoned veterans of our library’s  
How I Became a Garden Writer

How I Became a Garden Writer

I never dreamed I’d be a garden writer. It just happened. I have a degree in mechanical engineering, and I worked for over 20 years in manufacturing. After I retired,  
Another Spring Day

Another Spring Day

Crack! sang the bat as the ball—now a mere white speck—sailed over the 360-foot sign in left center field. What a great swing. The kid sure could play ball.