peach tree

Atheists on My Houseplants!

Atheists on My Houseplants!

Master Gardeners do a lot of community service, including answering questions from home gardeners, often on community garden hotlines. Erv Evans, from the North Carolina state Master Gardener program, has  
Yard Droppings

Yard Droppings

Stealing is a sin and a crime, but what about picking up fruit that’s fallen in someone’s yard? This was a serious issue for me after I moved to California  
Prepare for Peach Diseases and Pests

Prepare for Peach Diseases and Pests

Above all, peach trees need to be monitored for pests and diseases. Here are some of the things you need to keep an eye out for throughout your tree’s life.  
Ongoing Peach Tree Care

Ongoing Peach Tree Care

Even though you may have to wait a year or two to get a crop, peach trees still require care to get them to that point—and even beyond, to keep  
Growing Peaches in Open Land or Containers

Growing Peaches in Open Land or Containers

Here is some essential information for gardeners in colder climates or with limited land—so you can ensure a successful peach-growing experience! Dwarf varieties of peaches are easily grown in containers,  
Sentiment and Fruit Trees

Sentiment and Fruit Trees

Yesterday I chopped down a peach tree I’d planted when my eleven year-old son, Huxley, was born. The boy is tall, skinny, and well adjusted. The tree not so much.