Master Gardeners do a lot of community service, including answering questions from home gardeners, often on community garden hotlines. Erv Evans, from the North Carolina state Master Gardener program, has …
Stealing is a sin and a crime, but what about picking up fruit that’s fallen in someone’s yard? This was a serious issue for me after I moved to California …
In this month’s Food Gardening Magazine, you get everything you need to know about planting peach trees—peaches, the delicious summer fruit to complement all your food-gardening efforts. And planting and …
Nurturing your new peach tree means having the right tools to do the job! These are some basic tools to consider—if you don’t already have some of these items, please …
Above all, peach trees need to be monitored for pests and diseases. Here are some of the things you need to keep an eye out for throughout your tree’s life. …
Here is some essential information for gardeners in colder climates or with limited land—so you can ensure a successful peach-growing experience! Dwarf varieties of peaches are easily grown in containers, …
Your first choice when deciding to grow peaches is whether you want to start with seeds, seedlings, or cuttings. Unlike many other fruits, peaches grown from the seed of standard …
Yesterday I chopped down a peach tree I’d planted when my eleven year-old son, Huxley, was born. The boy is tall, skinny, and well adjusted. The tree not so much. …