Help Your Garden Recover From Wind Damage After a Hurricane With These Tips
While your garden may not look like much right now, with some effort and the right approach, it can bounce back stronger than before. Check out these recovery tips to …
How Caring for Plants Can Make You Happier and Healthier
Believe it or not, nurturing flowers can do wonders for your physical and mental health. Discover the benefits of plants, how caring for them boosts mood, and ways to make …
How to Bring Dying Herbs Back to Life
It's a sad sight. You leave town for a day or two or just get caught up in life, and by the time you look at your garden, all you …
Growing Celery from Seeds, Cuttings, or Seedlings
Growing celery is a rewarding endeavor that allows you to enjoy fresh, crisp stalks straight from your garden. Whether you prefer to grow celery from seeds, cuttings, or seedlings, each …
Watering Your Celery Plants
Caring for your celery plants involves mastering the art of watering to keep them healthy and thriving. Celery is a cool-season crop that requires consistent moisture to grow well. …
Yellow Leaves on Tomato Plants? 5 Reasons and Remedies
Grocery store tomatoes don’t stand a chance compared to the fresh homegrown variety. From cherry tomatoes grown in containers to heirloom and hybrid beefsteak varieties, nothing beats a tomato grown …