
Fire-Roasted Tomato Kale Soup

Fire-Roasted Tomato Kale Soup

Anytime is a good time for homemade soup. The more veggies the better, and the easier to throw in a pot, even better. Throw it in, and let it go,  
Tessa the Garden Crusader

Tessa the Garden Crusader

Determined to reap the benefits of kale's nutritional prowess, Carole and I embarked on a gardening adventure, planting a Fall crop in containers on our deck. As August waned, we  
7 Veggies to Plant in July

7 Veggies to Plant in July

So you thought you’d just roll out of bed in July and start a garden, did you? Watch a little HGTV this weekend and decide to plant yourself a little  
10 Fruits and Vegetables to Plant in June

10 Fruits and Vegetables to Plant in June

Some plants like the cool weather, while others prefer the heat. Some plants are easy to start indoors, like tomatoes, and others prefer to be planted directly, like beans.  One