joy of gardening

Growing Zinnias Every Which Way

Growing Zinnias Every Which Way

Zinnias are one of my favorite flowers, and growing zinnias has been an adventure for me, so when I caught the title of this piece, I knew it would be  
The Joy of a Minimalist Garden

The Joy of a Minimalist Garden

Is a minimalist garden in your cards? It should be! Minimalism is one of those things we all strive for, but so few of us achieve. My minimalism goes in  
A Plant Thief!

A Plant Thief!

I'm not even sure where to start with today's story, "The Tulip Thief," by Carmen De Vito. It's a story about being robbed while working at The Horticultural Society of  
Grasping at Gardening Advice Over the Years

Grasping at Gardening Advice Over the Years

"I’ve always respected senior garden mentors. I even grow elderberries," writes the author of today's piece, "Gardening Keeps Me Young." And the theme of today's story is exactly that: respect  
To Grow Moss, or to Kill it?

To Grow Moss, or to Kill it?

Today's story, "Too Much Moss" gave me a chuckle because it's so relevant to me right now. I have been trying to grow moss in my flower garden for years  
Garlic Delivery!

Garlic Delivery!

Oh gosh, today's piece is about a garlic delivery. I didn't get a sentence into it before getting excited, does garlic do that to you, too? I'm one of those  
Do You Keep A Garden Diary?

Do You Keep A Garden Diary?

I only started keeping a garden diary a few years ago. Most of it would probably be pretty boring to random readers. There are no juicy secrets or gossip. It's