joy of gardening

Perennial Plants Gone Wild

Perennial Plants Gone Wild

I envy those who live in warm climates, where "tender perennials" are simply "perennials" to them. Each year I plant perennial plants like lavender, knowing that it will die in  
The Warmth of Garden Love

The Warmth of Garden Love

I’ve been gardening for as long as I can remember. It’s a tradition in my family—everyone pitches in, whether it’s planting seeds or weeding the rows. My grandparents did it  
Love Your Garden, Love Your Life

Love Your Garden, Love Your Life

People feel a lot of ways about their gardens, whether it's the delight of tomatoes turning red, anguish over squash vine borers, or satisfaction in watching a perennial garden change  
I Love My Garden

I Love My Garden

I love my garden. I don't think there's a gardener out there who doesn't feel the same about their garden. Sure, they can sometimes be frustrating, and they can certainly  
A Farm of Love

A Farm of Love

There are few things in this universe that can create the perfect love story as the people, gardens, soil, and earth in this story. I felt like I just watched  
4 Moving Poems About Gardens and Love

4 Moving Poems About Gardens and Love

Throughout history, many famous poets have drawn inspiration from nature to write poems about gardens and love. One of the most well-known examples is William Shakespeare, whose sonnets often used  
Folk Tales from the Garden

Folk Tales from the Garden

Do you know or love any folk tales from the garden? I've always loved folk tales, but reaching back, I'm not sure I can remember one that's quite so gardening-centric  
A Garden of Friends

A Garden of Friends

I have not always had what I call a "garden of friends." Gardening friends that is. But today's piece reminded me of a recent encounter that led to a new  
Saving Seeds for Generations

Saving Seeds for Generations

I once read an article that said you can start saving seeds today that will supply your children's gardens. I never used to be up for saving seeds, but one