I love butterflies. They're like little artistic stained glass windows flitting about the flowers and vegetables. They're helpful, too. Though they aren't the pollinators that bees are, butterflies do their …
I know! You're probably reading that sentence above and thinking we have all gone off the deep end here. But don't hit that unsubscribe button yet! Hear me out, because …
I think most gardens could qualify as the garden of lost and found. We've all certainly "lost" a few of our favorite plants. And some of us (okay, it's me) …
When we're young, we often don't appreciate the wisdom of what we consider to be old-fashioned ideas. We're ready to move on to new ideas and the modern ways of …
Today's hydrangea story starts with a divorce, but follow it along, and you'll find a happy ending.
Divorce is never an easy thing to go through, and the emotions that come …
I'll admit that homemade lemon curd has never brought a tear to my eye. A pucker to my lips? Absolutely. A smile to my mouth? Certainly! A sigh of ecstasy? …
My whole life, people have tried to tell me that things seem to come easy to me, and while I disagree, maybe that's why I love gardening so much; It's …
I like to garden because it gets me into a meditative zone without even trying. But there is so much more magic that happens in a garden. In today's story, …
When people are feeling overwhelmed, they sometimes need to take a break in nature. I know I do. For some, this might mean going to the garden or the woods. …
We've talked before about having gardening friends, and what fun it is to have people who will exchange seeds and cuttings with you, but I never thought too deeply about …