hand rake

Harvesting your Cranberries

Harvesting your Cranberries

The cranberry harvest is in the fall, from September to November, depending on the variety you’re growing. Some plants may start producing pickable berries as early as two years old;  
The Right Way to Weed Your Asparagus Patch

The Right Way to Weed Your Asparagus Patch

When it comes to weeding asparagus, early and often is best. If you’ve used weed-free soil and well-rotted organic matter, and laid down mulch, you shouldn’t have a big weed  
The Right Way to Weed Your Thyme Patch

The Right Way to Weed Your Thyme Patch

When it comes to weeding thyme, early and often is best. If you’ve used weed-free soil and well-rotted organic matter and laid down mulch or gravel, you shouldn’t have a  
Lowbush Blueberries (Vaccinium angustifolium)

Lowbush Blueberries (Vaccinium angustifolium)

Lowbush blueberries are often called “wild” blueberries, because they’re harvested in the wild. You can find them growing in sandy soil near meadows or forest clearings, or near the edges