growing your own food

Benefits of Gardening in Retirement Communities

Benefits of Gardening in Retirement Communities

Many adults choose to spend their golden years in a vibrant, supportive retirement community. However, these complexes offer more than just movie nights, Mahjong and social clubs. Residents also reap  
6 Vegetables to Plant in March

6 Vegetables to Plant in March

In March, most of us are just beginning to think about starting seeds after scouring seed catalogues for months and eagerly awaiting exactly this moment. Depending on where you live,  
Homemade Strawberry Chocolate Chip Sorbet

Homemade Strawberry Chocolate Chip Sorbet

In the northeast, strawberry season begins in June, and if you're lucky, lasts through August. I've always been envious of those who live in warmer climates and can simply garden