gardening videos

How to Plant Garlic in the Fall

How to Plant Garlic in the Fall

Garlic is my most-favorite herb of all time. I cook with it daily, and when I found out I had a nightshade sensitivity, I almost had a panic attack in  
November Gardening Tasks and Chores

November Gardening Tasks and Chores

In November, I dream of soups and stews, cozy sweaters and yummy Thanksgiving food! Here in the Northeast (5b Hardiness Zone), November signals the end of the outdoor growing months  
7 Veggies to Plant in July

7 Veggies to Plant in July

So you thought you’d just roll out of bed in July and start a garden, did you? Watch a little HGTV this weekend and decide to plant yourself a little  
The Three Sisters of Companion Planting

The Three Sisters of Companion Planting

Where would wine be without cheese, or peanut butter without jelly? Simon without Garfunkel? And let's not forget our special guests today, the "Three Sisters" otherwise known as corn, beans,