gardening stories

Doing Battle with Animals in the Garden

Doing Battle with Animals in the Garden

Canada Geese seem almost idyllic, gliding across the sky in their V-formation, honking out, I don't know, directions maybe? Normally, I love the idea of animals in the garden, or  
A Diary of Gardening Tasks

A Diary of Gardening Tasks

I'm curious to know what a typical day of gardening tasks looks like for you out in the garden. I've admitted this several times before, but I'm not one of  
A Giant Pumpkin Tale

A Giant Pumpkin Tale

This article was originally published in our sister publication, GreenPrints Magazine, under the title, “Our Great Giant Pumpkin.” It was written by Jan Canyon and was published originally in 2019,  
Gardening with Grandpa

Gardening with Grandpa

This article about gardening with Grandpa was originally published in our sister publication, GreenPrints Magazine, under the title, "Now You See." It was written by Wayne K. Wilkins and was  
A Healing Garden for the Weary

A Healing Garden for the Weary

Today's piece about a healing garden might need a trigger warning, as beautiful as it is. If you're a woman (or are partnered with one), by the time you reach  
An Ode to the Lawn Gardeners

An Ode to the Lawn Gardeners

Are lawn gardeners a thing? I'll make a case for it, hear me out. The author of today's piece and my husband happen to have a lot in common. They're "lawn  
The Joy of Gardening … Er, Weeding?

The Joy of Gardening … Er, Weeding?

Don't you just love when someone says they stink at something, but then they seem to be some type of master professional of the craft? That's not exactly where I'm