I'm curious to know what a typical day of gardening tasks looks like for you out in the garden. I've admitted this several times before, but I'm not one of …
Canada Geese seem almost idyllic, gliding across the sky in their V-formation, honking out, I don't know, directions maybe? Normally, I love the idea of animals in the garden, or …
When I think of how many treasures and funny gardening stories that readers have shared with us over the years, many of my favorites involve children finding their way around …
Is there such a thing as gardening romance? If you’ve heard me talk about my wife Becky, you know there is. Becky and I both love the human connection gardening …
Did you know that there are entire books written for dogs in the garden? They call it dogscaping!
This past spring we lost our pup suddenly at the youthful age of …
Some days you’re swatting off mealybug and digging trenches to dissuade rogue bunnies, but then other days you find yourself in the dirt chasing off some squash-munching squealing pigs.
Oh, that …
I'll admit that homemade lemon curd has never brought a tear to my eye. A pucker to my lips? Absolutely. A smile to my mouth? Certainly! A sigh of ecstasy? …
I always love the story of a gardening underdog. Gardening offers a unique opportunity to connect with the natural world and express yourself creatively. I enjoy growing flowers, herbs, fruits, …
Oh, the joy of seed catalog season! It's my favorite time of year when they start rolling in, long before the holidays are even over, but ready to read once …