gardening poems

A Gardening Poem About Life and Death

A Gardening Poem About Life and Death

Today's gardening poem about the rich diversity of a garden, "with plants of a hundred families, in the space between the trees," is a lovely reminder of life and death,  
4 Moving Poems About Gardens and Love

4 Moving Poems About Gardens and Love

  Throughout history, many famous poets have drawn inspiration from nature to write poems about gardens and love. One of the most well-known examples is William Shakespeare, whose sonnets often used  
A Gardening Poem About Summer

A Gardening Poem About Summer

It could just be that Summer is a coveted time of year for those of us who live in lands of four seasons, but I totally relate to today's gardening  
Gardening Poems Like This One Touch the Soul

Gardening Poems Like This One Touch the Soul

Gardening can provide nourishment for the body through healthy vegetables and fresh fruits. It can offer nourishment for the soul in lush foliage and gorgeous flowers. But gardening can also