gardening mishaps

Never Turn Away Volunteer Plants

Never Turn Away Volunteer Plants

Have you ever left your garden unattended to go on a quick getaway by yourself, with your friends, or with your family? Maybe you want to be spontaneous and go  
Find Your Own Gardening Buddy

Find Your Own Gardening Buddy

My garden is my sanctuary. It’s where I go if I want some peace and quiet in my day. Especially now that I have a four-year old daughter, finding a  
Growing Succulents is For the Brave

Growing Succulents is For the Brave

Let me tell you about my journey growing succulents. I am a nurturer, you see, and so, I don't have the best luck with any type of succulent because all  
Unwelcome Weeds in the Garden

Unwelcome Weeds in the Garden

Oof, today's story got me. Weeds in the garden aren't usually a big deal to me, particularly the flowering ones, even if they offer up hay fever. But the surprise crop  
Plants are People, Too

Plants are People, Too

Plants are people too, you know! I mean, maybe not exactly. I've never heard one talk, though maybe their mouths are just so tiny we can't hear them. What I  
Too Much Okra

Too Much Okra

I only got one sentence into today's piece, "My Okra Onslaught," and I knew I could relate. The author, Jean Fritz, makes gumbo once a year, so they decide to  
Cross-Pollination Fails in the Garden

Cross-Pollination Fails in the Garden

I've been growing a garden for years, and have always heard the tales of other gardeners' cross-pollination woes, but it's never happened to me. I was always so careful to  
Two-Foot Long Garden Mistakes?

Two-Foot Long Garden Mistakes?

I don't know any gardener who hasn't made at least a few good garden mistakes. Sometimes we get lucky and those mistakes turn into fun stories or good lessons. In