gardening mishaps

Dreams of Spring

Dreams of Spring

The Winter is long, but whenever I am feeling a touch of seasonal depression, I point my focus toward dreams of Spring and all the possibilities that will be in  
How to Kill Hostas

How to Kill Hostas

What attracted me to this story initially isn't the funny title, it was actually the hosta-hater in me. I've always wanted to know how to kill hostas. Let me explain.  
Growing Peonies, or Mowing Peonies?

Growing Peonies, or Mowing Peonies?

I have loved growing peonies over the last decade. They are my favorite flower and I've always dreamed about having a beautiful garden of them one day, with vases filled  
City Slicker Seed Starting Mistakes

City Slicker Seed Starting Mistakes

Seed starting mistakes. If you grow anything from seed, you've almost certainly made a few. In my case, I've started seeds too early, too late, outdoors when they should have  
Flowers That Are Weeds

Flowers That Are Weeds

Do you love any flowers that are weeds? There's a large plot in our yard that, when we first moved in, I was determined to turn into a whimsical, easy-to-care