The Winter is long, but whenever I am feeling a touch of seasonal depression, I point my focus toward dreams of Spring and all the possibilities that will be in …
If there's one thing we should know about gardening, it's that we have to have patience. Our hard work may take weeks, months, even years to produce the results we …
What attracted me to this story initially isn't the funny title, it was actually the hosta-hater in me. I've always wanted to know how to kill hostas. Let me explain. …
I have loved growing peonies over the last decade. They are my favorite flower and I've always dreamed about having a beautiful garden of them one day, with vases filled …
Hippies and gardens go together. So do slugs and gardens, even though that's not an ideal match. But how are hippies involved when there are slugs eating your garden? I'll …
Landscaping inspiration comes from so many places. It may be the unique hue of a fern leaf or the perfumed air around jasmine or rose flowers. The gentle curves of …
Seed starting mistakes. If you grow anything from seed, you've almost certainly made a few. In my case, I've started seeds too early, too late, outdoors when they should have …
I'll be the first to admit I've made more than a few gardening mistakes. You name it, I've probably made it. That's certainly been the case when I've tried growing …
Do you love any flowers that are weeds? There's a large plot in our yard that, when we first moved in, I was determined to turn into a whimsical, easy-to-care …