I'm curious to know what a typical day of gardening tasks looks like for you out in the garden. I've admitted this several times before, but I'm not one of …
Let me tell you about one of the most magical things we can do in gardening: creating a single tree that produces multiple types of citrus fruits! As someone who's …
I have not always had what I call a "garden of friends." Gardening friends that is. But today's piece reminded me of a recent encounter that led to a new …
Do you own a Christmas cactus; or Schlumbergera bridgesii? I've always liked the look of them, with their reaching little green fingers and funky pink blooms at the tips, but …
Today's story is about a newspaper reporter who went to report on a man's "Stink Plant," more commonly known as “The Sacred Lily of India,” but it is also known …
What does a packet of seeds mean to you? That's the theme of today's story, "A Packet of Seeds," by Louisa Fordyce, where she explains the joy of gardening through …
While curating our December 2024 issue of Food Gardening Magazine, we've covered everything from crafty garden projects to edible treats, and even curated lists of heirloom tools and store-bought gifts …
Today's story appeared to me ironically enough after I took some heat for suggesting marigolds might deter rabbits (among other pests like aphids). My experience gardening comes from real life, …
Do you grow your own corn? I've never had much luck. I've tried sweet corn and the jeweled popping varieties, but never have I been able to grow even one …