From ancient Egypt to Victorian-era hospitals to kitchens in some of today's finest restaurants, the woody, slightly spicy scent of thyme is there. This member of the mint family adds …
If you love kumquats, or just love the idea of having a little kumquat tree in your sunroom, you might wonder if it's possible to grow a kumquat tree indoors. …
Kumquats are heavy feeders, and they need fertilizer during their active growing cycle. You don’t need to fertilize your trees in the winter months, when the trees are semi-dormant. …
Many gardeners believe that thyme thrives on neglect. With its origins in the dry, rocky Mediterranean, thyme is used to getting by without much in the way of nutrients. …
Due to its Mediterranean origins, thyme thrives on dry, sandy—even rocky—soil. Many gardeners believe thyme actually benefits from poor soil and a lack of water. For this reason, thyme makes …
Scallions are heavy feeders, and they need lots on nitrogen. You can use a fish emulsion about once a month to keep your scallions healthy and growing. …