When I think of deer-resistant vegetables, it’s usually a cartoon that comes to mind. I can picture little veggies with shields and swords trying to ward off a herd of …
I'll admit it - I get a touch of garden envy scrolling through social media in April, watching you lucky zone 7-8 gardeners already digging in your sun-warmed soil. While …
I have to chuckle when I hear you zone 9-10 gardeners talking about your "spring" gardens in April. Let's be honest - you've been at this for months already, haven't …
We all know that vegetables need water to grow, but what happens when watering your garden gets complicated. You might live in a dry climate where droughts are common. Or …
As a kid, my least favorite flower was the marigold. Companion plants, pollinators, and wondering how the heck to keep rabbits out of my garden was still years away. Marigolds, …
You know those nights when you're staring into the fridge, wondering what on earth you're going to cook for dinner? Well, let me tell you about the time I discovered …
My love affair with eggplant rollatini with spinach began during my quest to go gluten-free. I'd been dealing with some digestive issues, and my doctor suggested I try cutting out …
This Eggplant Soup all started innocently enough. In a fit of quarantine-induced gardening enthusiasm, I decided to plant a few eggplant seedlings. "A few" quickly turned into "way too many" …
Let me tell you about the day garlic-kissed grilled eggplant steaks waltzed into my life and turned my whole world upside down. Imagine me, standing in the produce aisle, staring …
Today, I'm excited to share with you my absolute favorite comfort food recipe: Tomato Eggplant Parmesan Casserole.
Now, I'll be honest - my relationship with eggplant hasn't always been smooth sailing. …