Using manure as fertilizer is not new. Commercial farms have done it for ages. But given that most of us home gardeners don't have the same space or tools as …
As you might be able to tell by the name, hugelkultur comes to us from Germany. The word translates to "hill culture," and it is a very environmentally friendly and …
I love when people are able to share their most somber therapeutic gardening stories with us. One story I always remember when I’m composting is this piece by Cathie Desjardins …
Tomato-plant diseases are caused by bacteria, fungi, and viruses—and the diseases can spread through the soil, water, air, infected tools, animals, and even by gardeners themselves. Use these techniques to …
Ah... the sweet sights and sounds of spring. It's the time of the year when robins are plucking worms from the grass, tulips and crocuses are in bloom, our radishes …
Most of us here at the Food Gardening Network love composting. Composting is a great way to deal with waste, the finished compost is super nutritious for your garden, and …
Before I started composting, I didn’t love the idea. I knew it would need to be far from the house to keep the gross out, like flies, smells, and rodents. …
When I first started composting, I felt a surge of angst any time I was about to throw something in the garbage. Can I compost it? Is this really garbage? …
I really don’t think I should be the person teaching young children to garden.” These were the words I said when I was asked to serve as the Garden Leader …
Standing next to my compost heap, I wondered if I was the only person on the planet who would find calm and healing in emptying out white plastic bags of …