Sometimes, gardening advice gets passed around like gossip. It could be gardening tips from your grandfather on your mother’s side or a neighbor’s anecdotal vegetable garden evidence. It’s easy to …
I always love the story of a gardening underdog. Gardening offers a unique opportunity to connect with the natural world and express yourself creatively. I enjoy growing flowers, herbs, fruits, …
I sometimes feel like a magician when I work on my compost pile. A few potato peels, a bell pepper core, and some coffee grounds go into the pile, and …
If you've ever driven through farm country at the right time, you're already somewhat familiar with cow manure fertilizer. That's one of those rare times in life where I think …
Lucky you! While gardeners in other zones are huddled inside with their seed catalogs, January in zones 9-10 feels more like spring in most other places. With daytime temperatures typically …
When you need some happy thoughts to brighten up a cold winter day, I know what you think of—composting, am I right? OK, so maybe your first thoughts are of …
Composting used to scare me. I should say, compost bins used to scare me. I had heard all the great things about composting: that it was a super sustainable and …
Composting is a fantastic way to reduce waste, enrich your lawn and contribute to a healthier environment, but not everything should to go in your compost pile. Adding the wrong …
Composting is the gift that keeps on giving. I love turning food scraps, cardboard, grass clippings, and other green and brown materials into a usable and nutritious soil amendment. It …
December in zones 4-6 is when the garden is tucked under a blanket of snow, and the only thing growing outside is your collection of wool socks. With average temperatures …