compost pile

20 Gardening Myths Busted

20 Gardening Myths Busted

Sometimes, gardening advice gets passed around like gossip. It could be gardening tips from your grandfather on your mother’s side or a neighbor’s anecdotal vegetable garden evidence. It’s easy to  
The Myth of the Black Thumb

The Myth of the Black Thumb

I always love the story of a gardening underdog. Gardening offers a unique opportunity to connect with the natural world and express yourself creatively. I enjoy growing flowers, herbs, fruits,  
What to Plant in January in Zones 9-10

What to Plant in January in Zones 9-10

Lucky you! While gardeners in other zones are huddled inside with their seed catalogs, January in zones 9-10 feels more like spring in most other places. With daytime temperatures typically  
Composting in the Winter

Composting in the Winter

When you need some happy thoughts to brighten up a cold winter day, I know what you think of—composting, am I right? OK, so maybe your first thoughts are of  
Can It Compost

Can It Compost

Composting is a fantastic way to reduce waste, enrich your lawn and contribute to a healthier environment, but not everything should to go in your compost pile. Adding the wrong  
How to Keep Animals Out of Compost Bins

How to Keep Animals Out of Compost Bins

Composting is the gift that keeps on giving. I love turning food scraps, cardboard, grass clippings, and other green and brown materials into a usable and nutritious soil amendment. It