I have to chuckle when I hear you zone 9-10 gardeners talking about your "spring" gardens in April. Let's be honest - you've been at this for months already, haven't …
As a kid, my least favorite flower was the marigold. Companion plants, pollinators, and wondering how the heck to keep rabbits out of my garden was still years away. Marigolds, …
If time machines were a thing, you could go back to a classic 1972 Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup commercial, where in the commercial, a man trips and falls, accidentally dipping …
This practice can enhance growth, deter pests, and improve overall ecosystem health. Today, let’s explore companion planting with nutrient-rich, versatile mushrooms.
Understanding Companion Planting
Companion planting relies on the relationships between different …
You’re probably wondering what you — one person — can do to help. Well, look no further than your current garden, that unused patch of earth in your backyard or …
The first warm days of March are approaching, and soon I'll be in the garden, tea in hand, surveying the Winter's aftermath. This year, I'm especially excited because my seven-year-old …
Sometimes, gardening advice gets passed around like gossip. It could be gardening tips from your grandfather on your mother’s side or a neighbor’s anecdotal vegetable garden evidence. It’s easy to …
I never expected a routine trip to my local food co-op to revolutionize my cooking and gardening life. Standing in the herb section that spring morning, I was absentmindedly …
When I started gardening, I considered myself a black thumb and didn't think I could be saved. I vividly remember the many potted tomato plants I brought home from the …
In community gardens across the American Southwest, a quiet revolution is taking place. Where traditional lettuce varieties once withered and bolted in the intense desert heat, gardeners are now harvesting …