Fruit trees are the high-school overachiever of the garden. They’re the “4.0 GPA, flawless skin, all AP classes, volunteers at a nursing home” type. Flowering fruit trees are the darling …
I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees.” ― Pablo Neruda,”Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair” Six months after we started dating, J.P. …
Whether spring or fall, both are great times to start your backyard orchard! If you've been following along for some time, you know that when we bought our house, it …
Imagine buying a home and finding out that someone planted you a surprise garden!
I find many sweet stories of mini gardeners when I page through our library of GreenPrints issues, …
As I strolled along the Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C., I couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness mixed with excitement. The cherry blossoms, those delicate pink and white …
When I look for Spring garden inspiration, I often look to beautiful gardens filled with tulips, daffodils, and even the occasional cherry tree as it blossoms and spreads cheer throughout …
As a volunteer master gardener for our local Cooperative Extension Service, I'm often asked, "Is this plant a weed or a flower?" Of course, the horticulturally correct answer is, "A …
I am what you call a city girl growing up just 10 minutes from Downtown Pittsburgh in a borough called Swissvale. My Grandma Kaschauer had lived there since 1906 and …
When it comes to cooking and baking, you have some options. There are a lot of ways to cook any one particular item, and almost any recipe has shortcuts or …