Every spring, I watch fellow gardeners fuss over tomato varieties and perfect trellising systems. But after decades of getting my hands dirty, I've learned that the real magic happens underground. …
Before you start applying fertilizers and lime treatments to your soil, take a sample and have it tested, either at home or professionally. Soil tests are like DNA kits for …
It’s entirely possible to grow sunflowers in pots! But take a realistic approach to this plan. Don’t try to plant giant varieties in a pot for your deck; you’d need …
Sunflowers are among the most easygoing of all annual plants; plant your seeds in a sunny spot and watch your flowers grow. It really is just about that easy.
Sunflowers love …
Lemon trees are a popular choice for both indoor and outdoor gardens. They are relatively easy to care for, and they produce an abundance of delicious fruit. But did you …
Quinoa is a hungry plant! It needs lots of nutrients to properly grow, and fertilizers can provide the extra nutrients that quinoa needs to grow quickly and fully. …
Once your strawberry plants are in the ground, there are a number of things you should do to help them thrive. First, note that flowers that show up earliest tend …