Canada Geese seem almost idyllic, gliding across the sky in their V-formation, honking out, I don't know, directions maybe? Normally, I love the idea of animals in the garden, or …
Did you know that there are entire books written for dogs in the garden? They call it dogscaping!
This past spring we lost our pup suddenly at the youthful age of …
Today's story appeared to me ironically enough after I took some heat for suggesting marigolds might deter rabbits (among other pests like aphids). My experience gardening comes from real life, …
I've learned a lot about hummingbirds in the garden over the years. I've learned that they are not only incredibly beautiful creatures, but that they are also quite delicate. I've …
While I spend a lot of time wallowing over winged Japanese beetles that devour my dahlias each Summer, they're not the only aggressive flying pest that woes me. That's right, …
As a child, I could be found in the grass, garden, and woods almost every day. It was my haven, and I would spend hours exploring its lush greens and …
As a gardener, I am no stranger to snails in the garden, or other pests that wreak havoc on my beautiful plants. When the snails started appearing in my garden …
If you want to see some hilarious animal antics, take a walk through my garden. You'll see squirrels chasing each other up and down the sunflowers, rabbits hopping around in …
Today's story about picking crabapples gave me a little chuckle, though you might not laugh at the punch line if you're vegetarian.
"Crabby About Apples," comes from Alma Barkman, who has …