These onions are so tasty, you might want to eat them straight from the garden. Yellow Granex onion are part of the Vidalia variety, and are sweet and delicious. The bulb of this onion is slightly flattened, white on the inside with firm flesh, and covered in a papery skin. They don’t store well, so plan to eat these quickly.
- Short day onion variety
- Hardiness Zone: 9 to 10
- Days to Maturity: 90 to 120
- Pests/Diseases: onion thrips, aphids, and onion root maggots
- Color: yellow
- Flavor: sweet, mild
- Uses: meat and vegetable dishes, cooking, get sweeter when cooked
Have you tried growing Yellow Granex onions? How do you use them? Please tell us your experiences growing Yellow Granex onions.