Shinseiki pears

Shinseiki pears
The Shinseiki pear is a beautiful dessert cultivar. In late summer to early fall, you can look forward to a heavy crop of medium to large round, thin-skinned yellow pears. The fruit is crisp, juicy, and delicately sweet. Shinseiki pears are great for dessert and can be stored for up to five months. Shinseiki is heat and cold tolerant, and needs at least two pollination buddies with the same bloom period, such as Bartlett and Chojuro. This cultivar is moderately resistant to fire blight.
- Hardiness zones 5 to 9
- Standard tree grows 10 to 12 feet tall with a 12- to 15-foot spread
- Good for dessert
- Common names: Pear “Shinseiki,” Shinseiki Pear, Pyrus “Shinseiki,” Pyrus pyrifolia “New Century,” Asian Pear, Chinese Sand Pear
Have you grown Shinseiki pears? Are they easy to tend and harvest? Please tell us about your experiences growing Shinseiki pears.