Roodnerf Brussels Sprouts

Roodnerf Brussels Sprouts
The Roodnerf variety of Brussels sprout was developed in England, where home gardens are pretty much a way of life. Roodnerf will give you a high yield of solid green sprouts up to 2 inches in diameter—although it’s recommended that you harvest them when they’re smaller and a little more flavorful. The Roodnerf is considered among the best of the old fashioned sprout varieties still available, and it is resistant to pests and disease.
- Early-Midseason
- Days to maturity: 100
- Grows tall; not for windy spots
- Produces sprouts 1 1/2 to 2 inches
- Solid green color
Have you ever tried growing Roodnerf Brussels sprouts? Are there any challenges you face growing Roodnerf Brussels sprouts? Please tell us your best tips for growing Roodnerf Brussels sprouts.