Red Bull Brussels Sprouts

Red Bull Brussels Sprouts
Red Bull Brussels sprouts (aka Red Ball Brussels sprouts) bring a fresh splash of color to your garden and your kitchen. This plant produces dark red sprouts—and lots of them! This is a high-yield plant. The Red Bull Brussels sprouts have a milder, nuttier flavor than their standard green counterparts, and they keep their color when you cook them! The color only gets better as the weather gets colder. It can also do double duty as a flower border—it’s that pretty!
- Midseason-Late
- Days to maturity: 90 to 120
- Mild, nutty flavor
- Flavor improves with cold
- Retains its vibrant color, even when cooked
- Excellent border plant
Have you grown Red Bull Brussels sprouts? Are they easy to tend and harvest? Please tell us about your experiences growing Red Bull Brussels sprouts.