Pattypan Squash

Pattypan Squash
This is sometimes called “UFO squash” because of its shape, or scalloped squash because of the shape of its edge. It’s tougher than other squash so it holds up well to cooking. Consider putting it in stews or chilis, roasting, slicing or cubing for sautéing, or frying. Even better, this one looks great stuffed to show off its unique shape. You can also use a baby size for grilling whole.
Sun Exposure
- full sun (six to eight hours)
Soil pH
- 6.1 to 6.5
Hardiness Zones
- 2 to 11
- 10 inches apart
- space rows 3 feet apart
- 1 inch per week
- Skin is tougher than other squash when more than a few inches wide
- Skin is nevertheless edible in all sizes
- Comes in colors ranging from white to pale green to bright yellow
Have you tried growing pattypan squash? How do you use them? Please tell us your experiences growing these unique summer squashes.
Sliced, seasoned, battered and baked for a delicious treat. Can’t wait for all my squash to come on.