Macoun Apple Tree

Macoun Apple Tree
Macoun apples have crisp white flesh under skin that’s deep red over green. It’s a cross between McIntosh and Jersey Black. It’s great for snacks, in salads, and as applesauce. It’s delicious, but it doesn’t keep as well as some other apples, so plan to use them as you harvest. The Macoun is cold-hardy and ripens in September. Be sure to pick a pollinator buddy in the same bloom time!
Sun Exposure
- Full sun (six to eight hours)
Soil pH
- 6.0 to 7.0
Hardiness Zones
- 4 to 8
- 20 to 25 feet apart
- 1 inch every 10 days or so
- Bloom Time: Late
- Chill hours: 1,000
- Harvest: October
- Taste: Sweet
- Years to Bear: Two to five
- Pollination Buddy: Consider Honeycrisp, Calville Blanc, Blue Pearmain
Have you ever tried growing Macoun apples? Are there any challenges you face growing them? Please tell us your best tips for growing Macoun apples.