Jade Cross Brussels Sprouts

Jade Cross Brussels Sprouts
Brussels sprouts don’t have to be big to be bursting with flavor. The Jade Cross variety produces tiny, deep green sprouts between a half-inch and an inch across. That makes them perfect for freezing—and remember that freezing can just enhance the flavor of Brussels sprouts! The Jade Cross is an award-winning variety—the very first Brussel sprout to garner the All-America Selections winner for vegetables in 1959! This plant is suitable for locations with a short growing season.
There’s also another variant of the Jade Cross, called Jade E. It’s disease-resistant and produces a high yield of tasty sprouts. Both the Jade Cross and Jade Cross E varieties grow on the short side—about 30 to 32 inches tall, which makes them less susceptible to wind damage.
- Early-Midseason
- Days to maturity: 85
- Small sprouts—1/2 to 1 inch
- Excellent choice for freezing
Have you ever grown Jade Cross Brussels sprouts? Please tell us about your experiences with Jade Cross Brussels sprouts.