Crimson Red rhubarb

Crimson Red rhubarb
Crimson Red rhubarb produces lovely, thick stalks that are a vibrant red inside and out. The fiber-free stalks are crisp and juicy—just perfect for cooking or baking. Treat these plants well and they’ll be productive for decades!
Sun Exposure
- full sun
Soil pH
- 6.0 to 6.8
Hardiness Zones
- zones 3 to 8
- 4 feet
- at least 1 inch per week
- cold-hardy
- prefers well-drained soil
- plant budded root divisions/crowns
- harvest in second or third year after planting
- fertilize with nitrogen in spring; phosphorus in fall
- leaves are poisonous; eat only the stalks
Have you ever grown Crimson Red rhubarb? Please tell us about your experiences with Crimson Red.