Chocolate Beauty Bell Peppers

Chocolate Beauty Bell Peppers
Try adding a little visual interest to your next salad or crudité plate. The Chocolate Beauty bell pepper only gets sweeter as it ripens from a basic green to rich, deep brown with sweet flavor to match. These peppers do well in containers, with one plant to a pot. Show these peppers off in salads or sandwiches, or stuff them for stunning effect!
Sun Exposure
- full sun
Soil pH
- 6.5 to 7.0
Hardiness Zones
- 3 to 9
- 18 inches between plants; 24 to 36 inches between rows
- 1 inch per week
- start seeds indoors eight weeks before transplanting
- days to maturity: 67 to average green; 85 to deep, chocolate brown ripeness
- resistant to tobacco mosaic virus
Do you grow Chocolate Beauty bell peppers? If so, please tell us your top tips for ensuring a delicious harvest.
I like growing large-sized peppers. It would help if these profiles gave us some indication of the mature size of the fruits. Tm.